OL_Crystals to help Anxiety & Stress


  • Brands


Stress & Anxiety 
1 pouch - 1 of each stone (5)

Black Tourmaline is a protective stone which will help keep any negativity at bay. It will also help you to re-balance, stay grounded and find that inner peace.

Blue Agate its energy is comforting and soothing, so it's a good tool to have around if you feel in need of relaxation, stress-relief or want to stop worrying. The energy reminds us that we need to take a step back sometimes to regain balance and release negativity and anxious thoughts from our lives. 

Green Fluorite is a protective stone guarding you from outside influences.  It is a stone used to draw off negative energies and help them stay away.  Also for helping to reorganise thoughts so calming any chaos that may exist around you.

Sodalite is good for the mind and helps to encourage rational thinking, clearing any mental confusion and anxiety. 

Rose Quartz is the crystal that helps to open your heart chakra. This works well in this pack, as enabling love to flood in to you will help you feel more at peace and allow your body to feel calm & relaxed.


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