Cryotherapy Ice Roler


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This lightweight ice roller for face & body delivers all the benefits of cryotherapy without a fuss!

Ice Roller Benefits

Reduces puffiness & under eye circles
Soothes & calms irritated skin
Minimizes pores
Promotes blood circulation& lymphatic drainage
Helps reduce inflammation & redness
Helps alleviate sore muscles & tension
How To Use

Remove Image A.D.S Chill from freezer. Allow it to sit for 2-5 minutes before use.
Using the CHILL, roll back and forth, working it over the skin in different directions.
Applying a gentle pressure on upward strokes will lift the muscles, while rolling down
drains away toxins from the skin’s surface.
Rinse with water & wipe with a dry cloth & put back in the freezer for next use. This
should be stored in the freezer.
Can be used daily.


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