Lavender & Mandarin Candle


  • Brands


The bouquet opens with fresh and uplifting notes of mandarin, blended with an aromatic heart of lavender and rosemary on a cushion of moss.

Up to 46 hours burn time


Never leave a burning candle unattended. 
Keep the wick trimmed to 5mm ( 1/4 of an inch ) - Trim the wick before each burn to ensure a good flame and to prolong the life of your candle. 
Do not burn for more than 4 hours at a time.
Discard when 1cm of wax remain. 
Remove all packaging before burning.
Use on a heat resistant surface. 
Keep away from children and pets.
Keep away from drafts.
Keep away from flammable substances and objects.
Keep at least 10cm distance between each candle.
NEVER extinguish with liquid. This can cause a flame or glass explosion.
Dispose of contents/container to an approved disposal site, in accordance with local regulations.
Some fragrance oils used in our candles may cause an allergic reaction. Please read the label carefully before use. If on skin wash with plenty of soap and water. If irritation or rash occurs seek medical advice/attention. Avoid contact with eyes.


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